
Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2014

The Best Way to Lose Abdominal Weight

Losing weight is a goal that many people set for themselves. Maybe you stepped on the scale and your weight was at the point where you couldn't live with it any more. Maybe it was that sideways glance at the mirror and you could no longer make excuses for that sizable midsection.

Cardiovascular exercise

    Cardiovascular exercise is one of the most important pieces of losing weight and cutting fat from your body. Swimming, walking, bicycling and running are great ways to get your heart rate up and burn calories. The best way to start may be with vigorous walking if you are out of shape. Make sure you walk for at least 20 minutes to get your heart rate up. After you are comfortable with walking, start running. You can run for five minutes and then walk for 15, then you can bump it up to 10 minutes running and continue to add more running time.

    One of the better ways to get your heart rate up is interval training. For those who only have a short time available, interval sprints can help you get your heart rate up significantly. Go to your local college or high school to run on their track. Measure off distances of 80, 60 and 40 yards. Run sprints of those distances in rapid succession, starting with the 80-yard sprint and finishing with the 40. After you finish the three sprints, take a one-minute break and do them again.

Exercise-ball exericses

    Sit-ups will help your abdominal muscle. They will help you build muscle and cut fat even more when you do them on an exercise ball. The exercise ball will force you to find your balance point and when you get into a prone position, you will also tense your core muscles as well as work your abdominals. Do 20 sit-ups on the exercise ball, take a 30-second break and then repeat the set.

    Next, sit on the exercise ball and find your balance point. Pick up 5-pound dumbbells in each hand and extend them down to your sides. Tense your core muscles and then curl the weights up to your shoulders. Do this 10 times, take a 30-second break and then repeat the set. This may not seem like a lot of weight, but tensing your core muscles and remaining balanced will help you get stronger.

Dietary change

    Changing your diet in addition to cardiovascular exercises will aid in weight loss around your abdomen. Get rid of empty carbohydrates and junk foods. Limit your intake of red meat to one portion per week. Substitute white-meat chicken and fish for red meat. Make sure you have at least two portions of vegetables and one portion of fresh fruit every day. Cut out alcoholic beverages (one glass of wine per week is acceptable) and get rid of carbonated and sugared beverages. Drink water frequently. Make sure you have at least four 8-oz. bottles of water every day.

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