Triglycerides are a good measure of heart health, and if triglyceride levels are too high, serious health conditions like heart attack or stroke may occur. Making changes to diet and making healthier food choices is one of the easiest and best ways to reduce triglyceride levels and promote great heart health.
Fruits do contain sugar, which is one element that can raise triglyceride levels, but eating the sugar from fruits is much better than the sugar that is found in candy bars, cakes and other packaged snacks. While it is pretty rare that a person will be eating so much fruit that it proves harmful to their health, if triglyceride levels do remain high, try reducing fruit intake to two to three servings per day.
Fiber is important because it helps to keep the body regular and prevents constipation and indigestion. Some great sources of fiber include flaxseeds or flaxseed oil, rice, dried beans and dark shades of green, leafy vegetables.
Carbohydrates are essential in healthy eating. The body uses carbohydrates as energy so it's imperative that carbohydrates are consumed on a daily basis. Avoid simple carbohydrates. This includes white breads and other food items made with white flour. Instead, opt for eating lots of vegetables, non-white rice and whole-grain pastas.
Meat is a great source of protein that the body needs to keep the muscles strong and healthy. Avoid red meats and choose white meats like chicken and turkey. Fish and tuna are also great sources of protein. When preparing meat, it's always best to avoid frying it because that will result in added fat, which could raise triglyceride levels even higher. Choose lean cuts of meat and aim for a serving size of about 6 ounces.
Food and supplements containing Omega-3 are excellent choices in promoting good heart health. Omega-3 is found in fish, including salmon, mackerel and tuna. If you don't like fish, there are many types of fish oil supplements available in both liquid and pill forms. Again, just as with meat, it's best to prepare the fish without frying it. Grilling would be the healthiest alternative.
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