Body wraps are a very popular, and often expensive, spa treatment. To be effective, one should receive a body wrap regularly. If it is not in your budget to pay for a body wrap at a spa, you can make your own wraps at home. Making homemade body wraps is not difficult and is fairly inexpensive, and you can tailor the recipe to your needs. Does this Spark an idea?
Tea Wraps
Body wraps containing tea can be effective at reducing the appearance of cellulite, detoxifying and improving the skin's circulation.
To make a tea body wrap, boil 8 cups of distilled water in a pot, remove the water from the heat and add 1 cup of loose tea leaves. To avoid having to strain the water, it is helpful to tie the leaves in a muslin or organza bag before adding them to the pot. Let the tea steep until the temperature decreases enough for you to comfortably stick your hand into the pot.
Dip towels into the tea mixture and begin wrapping your body with them, starting from your ankles and going up to your neck. It is fine to use older towels or rags; you will need between six and 10 towels.
Herbal Wraps
Herbal body wraps are ideal for detoxifying, mobilizing fat and helping to alleviate joint and muscle pain.
Making an herbal wrap is similar to making a tea wrap in that you begin by boiling 8 cups of distilled water in a pot. Remove the pot from the heat, then add 1 cup of Epsom salt, along with 1 cup of powdered herbs such as lavender, ginger, calendula or chamomile. Once the water is comfortable to touch but not cold, dip towels into the mixture and begin wrapping your body from ankles to neck.
Kelp and Clay Wraps
Sea kelp and clay body wraps help tone the skin, and some types of clay also can clear up acne. The type of clay you use will be determined by your needs: pink kaolin clay is good for dry or sensitive skin; yellow kaolin clay can be used for normal or balanced skin; bentonite clay works well for oily or combination skin.
After boiling 8 cups of distilled water in a pot and removing the water from the heat, add in 1 cup of sea salt, 2 cups of the clay of your choice, and 1 cup of powdered kelp or dulse (red algae). Once the mixture cools down to the point that you can comfortably put your hand in it, begin wrapping your body with towels dipped in the mixture. Always remember to work from the ankles up to the neck.
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