
Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

Diet Guidelines for Colitis

Diet Guidelines for Colitis

Colitis, also known as inflammatory bowel syndrome, is a painful disorder where portions of the large and small intestine become inflamed. Individuals with colitis experience many symptoms, including tenderness of the abdomen, depression, rapid weight loss, joint pain, tiredness, increase in bowel movements, fever, ulcers, mucus in the stool, rectal bleeding, gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn and diarrhea or constipation. Those with colitis may be prescribed antibiotics or undergo surgery; however, some individuals with colitis find that a change in diet significantly helps their discomfort.

A Food Diary

    One of the most important things to do when suffering from colitis is to determine what foods are associated with a flare up so that these foods can be avoided in the future. Though colitis is not caused by diet, a diet that is sensitive to your needs is essential for a comfortable lifestyle.

    A food diary can be as basic or as complex as you desire. A small notebook is all that's necessary. Write the date at the top of the page, what you eat and when, and any experienced symptoms. This way, you can keep track of any foods that cause you problems and avoid them in the future.

    Computer programs are another option for tracking what you eat. Download a free program from

Foods to Avoid

    There are several foods that colitis sufferers have repeatedly reported as causing or exacerbating flare ups. These foods include alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, carbonated beverages, dried legumes (during a flare up), dried fruit (during a flare up), foods high in fiber (during a flare up), nuts, popcorn, raw vegetables (during flare up), refined sugar and seeds. Though these foods have affected a large number of people, they do not affect everyone the same way. There are individuals with colitis who can eat popcorn and nuts without problem.

Foods to Focus On

    A nutrient-rich diet is essential for those with colitis. Foods eaten during a flare up may differ from those that are a part of the daily diet. During comfortable periods, there are a variety of foods that will fuel the body and help it care for your particular needs.

    Drink at least six to eight ounces of water every day. Focus on foods such as whole grain breads, cereals and brown rice to provide energy. Lean meat, such as poultry and fish, and low-fat dairy products (if lactose intolerance is not an issue) are important for the body to repair itself. Fresh fruit and vegetables (lightly steamed) will provide essential nutrients.

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