
Senin, 30 September 2013

How Much Carbs, Fat and Protein Should You Eat Daily to Lose Weight?

To lose one pound, dial back 3,500 calories per week, or about 500 calories per day. According to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, to lose weight, eat no more than 30 percent of your daily calories from fat. Of that number, consume no more than 10 percent in saturated fat (fats that are solid at room temperature). Carbs can be up to 60 percent and protein about 10 percent of the diet.

Most adults require about 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Athletes could require more. Exercise will increase your metabolism and help you lose weight.

What to Eat

    My Food Pyramid, designed by the USDA, advises dieters to eat lean protein, whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese. Cut out trans fats and fried foods.
    Eat up to 60 percent of your diet in complex carbohydrates, including whole grains, sweet potatoes, whole grain breads, cereals and pastas. Consume about 10 percent of protein such as fish, lean beef, poultry, lean pork, legumes with grains for a complete protein and low-fat dairy.
    Limit dietary daily fat to no more than 30 percent. Olive, flax, hemp seed and fish oils trump coconut or palm oils for being heart-healthy.

Eat Several Small Meals

    Rather than eating two or three very large meals a day that leave you prone to eating sugary snacks at work or bingeing late at night, eat four to five smaller meals and two snacks. Doing that will keep your blood sugar levels even so you don't binge on donuts or pizza watching TV.

    A meal might be 400 to 600 calories and each snack only 150 to 200 calories. For a diet of 2,000 calories per day, that's four meals at 400 calories and two snacks at 200 calories.
    Eat foods you genuinely enjoy and trim the saturated fat (any fat solid at room temperature), salt, refined sugar or flour. Use whipped butter or whipped cream cheese, for example.

Take Your Lunch to Work

    Plan your meals on a day where you are not rushed. List what you'd like to eat for your mini-meals (i.e., turkey sandwiches, small pizzas, pudding, etc.) and your snacks (low-fat yogurt, unsalted trail mix). Make a shopping list with fresh fruits, vegetables and whole-grain breads, protein powder drinks, hot chocolate or instant decaff cappuccino.

    Plan realistic meals that you can prepare ahead. Have a large pot of chili or rosemary bread in the bread machine? If not, buy low-fat, low-salt frozen pizzas, frozen waffles and supplement with fresh fruits, vegetables and raw, unsalted nuts. Cook extra food at dinner time so you can bring some of it for the next day's lunch when you brown bag it.

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