Esophagitis is an inflammation of the esophagus and can occur for a variety of reasons such as acid reflux disease, pregnancy, smoking, alcohol consumption, caffeine or fatty and spicy foods. The condition can become very uncomfortable for patients who may have difficulty swallowing, pain and bleeding in the stool or vomit and a number of painful symptoms. The diet that a patient with ulcerative esophagitis follows is a very important part of recovery and will help to minimize pain.
Foods to Avoid
When you are suffering from ulcerative esophagitis, you should avoid spicy foods and those that are acidic like citrus juices and fruits. Hard foods like nuts can be difficult to swallow and should be avoided as well. A diet that is high in fat will also contribute to the symptoms of ulcerative esophagitis.
Tobacco and alcohol, while not foods, should be avoided on this diet as well. These foods and beverages are more likely to cause pain and irritate the lining of the esophagus and lead to increased inflammation. Avoiding certain foods will help to alleviate the symptoms of the condition.
How to Help Yourself
Along with avoiding spicy and acidic foods, eat several smaller meals during the day instead of three big meals. Eating throughout the day will avoid any excess acid buildup in the stomach which will irritate the condition. Soft foods such as puddings and pureed foods can be swallowed much easier and should be included in the diet also. Chew food thoroughly to avoid swallowing hard or larger quantities of food. Drinking beverages through a straw can help control the amount of liquid that is passing through the esophagus.
Safe Foods
Fruits like apples, bananas and apple juice are good alternatives to citrus fruits. Vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, cabbage, green beans, peas and potatoes can all be included in the diet, but make sure that they are cooked thoroughly and are soft enough to eat without difficulty. Raw vegetables might be too difficult to swallow with an inflamed and irritated esophagus.
Lean sources of protein such as chicken breast without the skin, egg whites, lean beef and fish without fat added are suitable for the ulcerative esophagitis diet. Dairy products should be low fat only. Goat cheese and soy cheese are great low-fat alternatives for this diet.
Fiber is a very important part of the ulcerative esophagitis diet and can be found in multigrain breads and cereals, oatmeal, brown rice and vegetable sources like broccoli.
Desserts and snacks can be enjoyed in moderation and they should be low fat and baked instead of fried. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Water is the best beverage to consume on this diet as it will not irritate the inflamed and swollen esophagus.
Lifestyle Changes
If you have ulcerative esophagitis, your diet is more than simply a temporary measure; it is a lifestyle change that can provide many more benefits that simply reducing the symptoms of esophagitis. A low-fat, high-fiber diet can help you lose weight, gain energy and live a much healthier lifestyle all around.
The ulcerative esophagitis diet will help to lessen the painful symptoms of this condition and provide you with all of the vitamins and minerals that are needed for a well-balanced diet.
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