
Minggu, 02 Maret 2014

Arthritis Food Diet

An arthritis food diet centers around foods known for their effect upon inflammation, a health concern involving any arthritis sufferer.
The Arthritis Foundation recommends following a low-protein, high-carbohydrate diet. It is important to know what foods to consume and what foods you need to avoid to effectively control your arthritis. In addition, there are herbs, teas and spices you can use in your arthritis food diet.

Foods To Eat

    Eat a variety of healthy foods, according to University of Washington Orthopedics. Healthy foods include fruits and vegetables which are high in phytochemicals, fiber and antioxidants. Eat a variety of plant sterols such as soy foods (soy milk, tofu, tempeh and soybeans). The Arthritis Foundation recommends eating legumes such as black beans, kidney beans and lentils. Plant-based foods are beneficial since they may decrease the activity of the COX-2 enzyme known for causing joint inflammation.

    Obtain your protein from low fat protein sources such as poultry (without skin), tuna, cold water fish and beans. Especially beneficial for anti-inflammation are foods containing Omega 3 fatty acids such as flax seeds, walnuts and salmon.

    Eat fiber rich foods. Fiber is a natural appetite suppressant and can help you maintain or lose weight while also giving you the nutrients your body needs. In addition to fruits and vegetables, fiber rich foods include whole grains such as oats, barley, brown rice and whole wheat.

Foods To Avoid Or Limit

    Avoid eating foods which contain Omega 6 fatty acids, an ingredient known for causing inflammation. Most snack foods, fried foods, processed foods, egg yolks, spreads and margarines contain this, according to the University of Washington Orthopedics. Omega 6 fatty acids are also found in soybean, safflower, sunflower, corn and cottonseed oil. Do not include any polyunsaturated or partially hydrogenated oils in your arthritis food diet.

    Avoid too much fat, sugar and cholesterol in your arthritis food diet. Eliminating, or limiting, these foods is an effective way to consume fewer calories. Both the University of Washington Orthopedics and the Arthritis Foundation recommend avoiding too much sodium in what you consume. Drink alcohol in moderation or avoid it.

    Avoid, or limit, animal products. According to wellness promoting physician and pain management specialist Dr. Andrew Weil, this includes red meats and whole fat dairy products. He also recommends limiting, or eliminating, coffee products. Chocolate, in moderation, is acceptable.

Herbs, Spices and Teas

    Use herbs and spices as part of your arthritis food diet. According to Dr. Weil, herbs such as ginger, basil, rosemary, cinnamon, curry powder, and turmeric are recommended as part of an arthritis food diet.

    Drink tea. Green, white and oolong teas have strong anti-inflammatory properties.

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